
Centrally located at Clarence Park, we’ve provided cutting edge dental services to South Australian families since 2002.

I have a fear of the dentist. What should I do?

If you are nervous about having dental treatment, sleep dentistry may be just what you need. Fear of the dentist is quite common and due to this fear, people neglect their oral health.

Happily, this fear can be overcome through a procedure we offer called intravenous (IV) sedation, also known as sleep dentistry. IV sedation is a very efficient, safe, and effective way of providing profound anxiety relief and pain control during any dental procedure. We are one of the very few dental clinics that offer sleep dentistry in Adelaide.

While under IV sedation, most patients experience a state of deep relaxation and partial or full memory loss for the period of time from when the drug starts to work until it wears off.

IV sedation is performed here in our surgery by a qualified anaesthetist accompanied by a registered nurse.